Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Best Friend

"A good friend is a connection to life - a tie to the past, a road to the future, they key to sanity in a totally insane world."

Lois Wyse

So, I'm back! Clearly, it has been awhile since my last post. I have used writing as a source of self "therapy" and since the last time I blogged, I either really haven't needed therapy :) or else I just had to resort to my personal journal. This time, though, I feel like this is something I can share with everyone. We all have a best friend so hopefully you can relate to my emotion. So here it is...

It is with mixed emotion that I say this... My best friend is moving to souther California. Jess, her husband Eddie, and their precious son Bennett are headed to the west coast on, of all days, my birthday (April 7). Great birthday present, huh? Eddie has taken a job as a worship pastor at a church in Yorba Linda, CA and they both really feel that God is calling them in that direction.

So why am I not happy about this?

I hold my friendships very near and deart to my heart which is probably why this seems to be affecting me the way that it does and the fact that Jess is my best friend. My absolute, with a doubt, God sent best friend. She is the friend that I don't have to talk to everyday, yet I know she is there for me. Since being friends, she has been there for me through every traumatic life event and every happy one, as well. I could call her and tell her I really needed her and I have no doubt she would jump on a plane and be here within a couple of hours. She doesn't judge me or think I'm weird or crazy. As a friend, she loves me in the good, the bad, AND (insert big sigh here) she loves me and cares about me even though she knows I am not super excitedabout this. When Jess and Eddie were visiting California and this church, I was having serious anxiety about it, even unbeknownst to me. I had this dream that I went to visit her in California and when I got there she was like "Oh I'm sorry, I made plans with my new best friend. May you can come back another time." Clearly, this would NEVER happen, but it is scary because I don't want to lose the friendship I have with her.

You see, Jess currently lives in Murfreesboro, so I don't even get to see her as often as I would like; however, the option to jump on a plan any weekend and see her is there. That's not going to be so easy being in CA because that is definitely not a weekend trip. Does visiting less often mean a less of a friendship too? Probably not, but it does make me sad to think about.

What does this all lead to? Simply put... Me being selfish. I think that it is ok to be somewhat selfish in this situation because I think that it shows just how much the Harrison family means to me and how deeply I care for the, but if God is leading them there, then I need to trust God about this right along with them.

So, after a bawl fest yesterday and some healthy discussion with God and friends, I know it'll all be ok. Deep down I am SO happy for Jess and Eddie as they embark on this new adventure that God has placed them in. I pray that they find friends in their new town that love them and care about them as much as I do because if thats the case, they will be greatly taken care of. I know they wouldn't be going unless they were really meant to go which also gives me confidence that our friendship will not change. So whether 2 miles or 2600 miles away, I know in my heart of hearts that we will always be best friends.

So for any of you in the Lost Angeles area who need a church, check out:
If Jess and Eddie are there, I know it is a quality place...

Love you Jess, Eddie, and Bennett!