Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Proud... What an understatement

"We make a living by what we get; We make a life by what we give."
-Winston Churchill

They did it. Yes, my amazing, beautiful, quirky, sometimes frustrating, loving and giving students did it. They raised the money for Franky the weiner dog and his wheelchair. Franky will now get another shot at life. He will be able to get around as fast as his wheels and two front paws will take him!

To say that I am proud would be an understatement. I do not even know what would go beyond the word proud, but whatever word that is, it describes me when it comes to my students. I'm not going to lie, I did not think that they would stick through with this whole project (see my other post about Franky the Weiner Dog if you don't know what I am talking about). It is extremely rare to see a class bond together for one common cause. They did it and I am proud. How blessed am I that I get to teach these wonderful kids every day? How blessed am I that I got to be part of this experience with them? How blessed am I that I got to witness a group of teenagers thinking about someone else other then themselves? Extremely blessed.

The story actually made the front page of our local newspaper. Check it out. It's pretty awesome.

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

free jewelry anyone?!

Ok, so one of my best friends, Priscilla, is doing a give-a-way on her blog! The best part is... IT'S JEWELRY! She will be giving away this beautiful necklace below by Anne Vaughan Designs:

Of course I immediately went to Anne Vaughan's website and I am now officially OBSESSED! It is truly some of the most beautiful art I have ever seen! There are already some items on my Christmas list! You must check it out!

So first, if you would like a chance to win this BEAUTIFUL necklace, you need to check out Priscilla's blog. Just go to Even if you don't want the necklace, you should still go there because she is an amazing writer that shares so many inspirational things.

Then, you need to check out the rest of the beautiful pieces from Anne Vaughan Designs by going to her website:

Trust me, both websites are well worth your time!

Thanks for doing this Cilla!

Thursday, September 9, 2010


"Trust in the LORD with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding. In all thine ways acknowledge him, and HE shall direct thy paths."
Proverbs 3:5-6

Yesterday when I walked out of the doors of the school I work at and headed to my car, this is what was waiting for me ...

For some reason when I saw this, I knew I was exactly where I was meant to be. This touched my heart so deeply and I just knew that I was supposed to be here, at Stuarts Draft High School, loving these kids. God led me to this school. He wanted me here. He placed me here for a purpose. A purpose that I still do not know. I fought with the outcome of being here for so long. But I think this was just another one of His ways of showing me that He loves me and truly does direct our paths, even when we can't see the good in the situation. I actually felt a stab of guilt for wanting to ever be anywhere else other than here. As simple as this may seem, this was a completely overwhelming moment for me. This was just another one of God's ways of showing His amazing, unconditional love. I am where I need to be.

Thursday, September 2, 2010


"Success has nothing to do with what you gain in life or accomplish for yourself. It's what you do for others."
Danny Thomas

Ok, so I must say that I have an absolutely amazing 3rd block class this year. They are so sweet and caring and their newest venture is so cute and heart-warming. They have decided as a class that they want to save Franky. Franky is a cute little Dachshund whose back two legs are paralyzed. He came to visit our class today and we all just fell in love with him. Franky needs a doggy wheelchair to get around. His owners cannot afford one on their own and need some help. If Franky does not get this wheelchair, he is due to be put down sometime soon. I am so impressed that high school kids would take the initiative to help another family and precious little dog out. This was 100% their idea!

"My little dog - a heartbeat at my feet" ~Edith Wharton

If any of you would like to contribute to help save Franky or if you have a place we could set a jar, let me know! I know that I couldn't imagine having to put my little Vinny down. I would love to see them raise this money, not only for Franky, but as encouragement for my students to continue to pursue helping others.