Thursday, September 22, 2011

Only 3 weeks??

I can't believe it has ONLY been three weeks. It honestly seems like I haven't been shopping in months. It is getting really difficult now that the new fall clothes are coming out and I'm seeing new boots and I just have to pass them by... (ok, maybe I am being a bit dramatic about this, but you clothes lovers try going without shopping and you'll understand!)

I can't complain though because God has been so good to me and I truly do find joy in helping others. The highlight of my week though: helping a girl who needs a homecoming dress pick one out! It was the next best thing to buying it myself! (Actually, I think it topped buying it for myself!)

I am telling you, this girl is going to look stunning! If I could find a picture of the shoes, you would love them even more! But this really just puts things into perspective for someone like me. If I was buying this for myself, there is no doubt that I would be happy and that I would love it, but it would be just another dress to me. A dress that hangs in the closet with all the other dresses. It would be special and exciting until I bought the next dress. I would not have the appreciation for something as simple as a homecoming dress as the girl who gets so excited about envisioning herself in this rarity. It does my soul good to think about how I've been blessed and I hope that pours out to others.

If you don't already know this, take my word for it, it definitely feels better to give than to receive.

Much love your way,


Thursday, September 8, 2011

Redeeming Love

So I'm taking a different route today because what I'm about to post is so important to me.

Leslie and Danny Engle, who happen to be two of my greatest friends, have been able to be a part of a life-changing documentary about God's redeeming love for us. Leslie and Danny have been so brave by giving people a first row seat to the very depths of their lives and hearts. Sharing your past in hopes of helping other people is no easy task. It opens up a door for people to judge you, criticize you, and discourage you. But beyond that, it opens up doors to help people see that God makes beautiful things, even out of crappy situations. It opens up doors to show people that they are not the only ones with a past and they are not the only ones that need redemption.

You see, this couple has suffered with infertility issues throughout their marriage, as well as other issues that they give insight to in the documentary. Decisions from their past haunted them daily and they both just had a hard time overcoming these things. These issues and the past caused serious strain in their marriage and at times, didn't know if they were even going to make it. Adoption has always been a thought, but the desire to have their own children was still there. Through a series of events that can only be explained as God's work and redeeming love, this couples heart was soon open to adopting and with two weeks notice, on January 12, 2011, they adopted the most precious baby boy. They named him Jeremiah and he has completely changed their world.

The Engle Family: Leslie, Jeremiah, and Danny

We all may not be able to relate to infertility, but we ALL can relate to poor past decisions. We can all relate to the feeling of hoping no one find outs what we did or said because of the fear of being judged by our friends. We can all relate to the feeling of needing to be redeemed from the past we have. We all need to know that we are not alone. If only we could all be so brave as Danny and Leslie and put our fears aside to help show others that failure is not final. That God is a loving and gracious God.

In order to get this documentary sent to film festivals this year, they need to raise $1000 within the next 16 days. Currently, they have $483. I have posted a link at the bottom of this post to their video and to where you can donate to this fund. All I am asking is that you please watch this video. If it speaks to your heart, please go and donate, even if it is only $1. I know this couple has the purest of hearts by wanting to send out this documentary to help other people who have infertility issues or who need to know they are not alone. Please Please Please consider helping this couple's story be heard.

God Bless!


"The Almond Tree"

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Day 6...Working with what you've got!

I made it through Labor Day weekend. I had my first serious moment of weakness when Possessionista (who is incredible and you should check out her blog here) posted a link to an amazing pair of Steven Madden boots for 30% off. I'm not kidding, it was seriously hard for me to resist these boots. It's so weird how when you can't do something, you just want to do it more. It's like being on a diet. You know you can't eat that piece of cheesecake, but you want that piece of cheesecake more than you've ever wanted anything to eat before. Anyways, I made up for this moment of weakness when I went into Burlington Coat Factory with my friend Leslie and didn't even have the urge to browse.

On another aspect of this little adventure, I have came to the realization that I am going to have to make my wardrobe last, meaning I am going to have to take extra special care of my clothes. At the top of my list of priorities when it comes to clothes are my jeans. I must admit, I'm a bit of a jean snob. I like nice jeans. If you have an issue with this, I'm sorry (well, kind of sorry). Anyways, I need to keep my jeans looking fresh instead of getting dingy. So I researched some of the best laundering techniques to keep denim looking "healthy." I can't be the only one who wants to take good care of their clothing, so I am posting the best advice for keeping your jeans nice and pretty!

  1. Always wash your jeans inside out, zipper zipped and button fastened, in COLD water. I've actually been doing this for awhile and I have noticed a significant difference, especially with my super dark denim.

  2. Wash your jeans in a small load. Washing a huge load of jeans at once makes it harder for your washing machine to wash them correctly, mainly because denim is so heavy when wet. Also, if you wash them in a smaller load, they will be less wrinkled when they come out.

  3. Use detergent specific to the needs of your laundry. A lot of my denim is dark so I use Cheer for darks. It works great with my denim, especially the darker denim. Maybe its just in my head, but I think this detergent has been a huge help in keeping the color strong.

  4. Hang your jeans to air-dry. Putting jeans in the dryer can weaken the denim, as well as fade the color. It can also alter the fit of your jeans (which is really annoying when it is so hard to find a pair of jeans that fit right!). If you have a pair of stretch denim, it is ok to put them in the dryer because it helps them get back to the original fit; however, do not leave them in for longer than 40 minutes.

  5. The longer you can go without washing your jeans, the better. After doing some research, the general consensus seems to be to wear them 5 times before washing, unless they are stretch jeans. In the case of stretch jeans, they should be washed weekly to help maintain the original shape and to keep them fitting the way they were intended to fit (which is NOT SAGGY).

There was a ton of other information out there for denim care; however, these steps were the most realistic and do-able in my opinion. Hopefully this little tidbit of information will help you! and keep your jeans alive a little longer!

Friday, September 2, 2011

Day 2 of 366... One day down...

Day 1 was a success. Of course it wasn't super difficult because it was only the first day; however, I made it through and I am truly excited about this journey. It's only been one day and God has already provided some possible opportunities to help serve others in need in my community! Yay! It's going to be an interesting weekend being that I normally go stock up during the Labor Day sales. My inbox is full of coupons for this weekend, but so far, I've resisted the temptation to even browse.

The words of encouragement I received yesterday was overwhelming. At first I was very nervous to share this decision with anyone because I didn't think people would understand. I thought they would immediately assume the worst and think I had some hidden debt and problem, which is the furthest thing from reality. I, however, soon came to realize that this journey wasn't about what other people thought, but about helping others in need and my own personal growth. No one else really needed to understand. I decided to open up because I needed (and still need) the prayers and supportive comments of my family and friends. So thank you all!

The biggest question I received yesterday was why September 1? To be honest, I don't know why September 1. It was just a day that popped in my head during the time I decided this was what I needed to do. I really feel it was the day the Lord laid upon my heart so thats the day I went with! Some people were curious as to why I didn't wait to New Years and do this as my New Years resolution. To be quite frank, I'm not a firm believer in New Years resolutions. If you want to make a change in your life or set a goal for yourself, any day of the year is a good day to start. There is nothing more magical about January 1 than September 1 (except that I get the day off from work!) I know some people really get into their resolutions and that is awesome! but those resolutions just aren't for me. So long story short, thats the reason behind Septemember 1!

On a side note, I just looked and September 1, 2012 is Labor Day weekend! Who wants to go enjoy those sales with me next year!? :)

Much love to you all! Thanks for your prayers!


Thursday, September 1, 2011

Day 1 of 366... No more shopping for me!

"We must want for others, not ourselves alone."

Eleanor Roosevelt

Shopping. Just when I say the word I get excited. There is just something so relaxing about it for me. In my opinion, clothes are pieces of art, a form of expression, and something I love. And what am I doing for the next 366 days (yes, of course I would choose a year that has a leap year in it)? I am not buying any clothes or shoes for myself, starting today, September 1, 2011. I'm sure this is probably baffling to some because as all of my friends know, I absolutely love shopping. It amazes me too that I am doing this! But in reality, this is not something I HAVE to do, but something I NEED to do.

Most are probably assuming right now that I am like that girl from the movie, "Confessions of a Shopaholic" who has a ton of debt on credit cards and clothes pouring out of her closets, but that is not the case at all (ok, maybe the clothes pouring out of my closet part is true for me). I am in good financial standing and still manage to save money each month. What prompted my decision to do this started a few months ago when I was actually cleaning up my room and sorting through my clothes. As the pile for Goodwill grew taller and taller, the pile of clothes I was keeping didn't seem to be shrinking at all. Long story short, I had to buy another dresser for my room. I instantly felt convicted because I probably have more clothes in my dirty laundry than most have in their entire wardrobe. The Lord really laid it on my heart that I don't NEED half of the clothes I own, yet it has become such a huge WANT in my life. I started thinking about all of the many people out there who actually NEED clothes, who NEED shoes, and do not have the luxuries I have of getting to stroll into my closets and "decide" what to wear that day. It also made me really think, "Why do I love shopping so much?!" when I looked at it from the perspective that God really never intended us to wear clothes and we wear clothes now because of a sin that was committed long ago when Eve sinned in the Garden of Eden.

So where does that lead me? It leads me to a year (366 days) of not buying clothes or shoes. To a year of finding joy in helping others get the clothes they NEED, instead of the clothes I WANT. This is not going to be easy for me at all and the selfish side is already thinking, "Well, I can just cut back a little on what I buy myself and I'll still have money to help others." That, however, is not what I was called to do.

To say I am not going to miss buying clothes is the understatement of the decade, but I know I am doing the right thing. Now that they day is here, I am actually getting kind of excited about going "shopping" in my own closet, about being creative with what I already have, and to make things work that I wouldn't normally want to wear. The Lord has given me more than I deserve and I need to learn to appreciate that a little more.

So check back because I will definitely be blogging about this crazy, yet exciting journey in my life! Pray for me! I'm going to need it