Friday, September 2, 2011

Day 2 of 366... One day down...

Day 1 was a success. Of course it wasn't super difficult because it was only the first day; however, I made it through and I am truly excited about this journey. It's only been one day and God has already provided some possible opportunities to help serve others in need in my community! Yay! It's going to be an interesting weekend being that I normally go stock up during the Labor Day sales. My inbox is full of coupons for this weekend, but so far, I've resisted the temptation to even browse.

The words of encouragement I received yesterday was overwhelming. At first I was very nervous to share this decision with anyone because I didn't think people would understand. I thought they would immediately assume the worst and think I had some hidden debt and problem, which is the furthest thing from reality. I, however, soon came to realize that this journey wasn't about what other people thought, but about helping others in need and my own personal growth. No one else really needed to understand. I decided to open up because I needed (and still need) the prayers and supportive comments of my family and friends. So thank you all!

The biggest question I received yesterday was why September 1? To be honest, I don't know why September 1. It was just a day that popped in my head during the time I decided this was what I needed to do. I really feel it was the day the Lord laid upon my heart so thats the day I went with! Some people were curious as to why I didn't wait to New Years and do this as my New Years resolution. To be quite frank, I'm not a firm believer in New Years resolutions. If you want to make a change in your life or set a goal for yourself, any day of the year is a good day to start. There is nothing more magical about January 1 than September 1 (except that I get the day off from work!) I know some people really get into their resolutions and that is awesome! but those resolutions just aren't for me. So long story short, thats the reason behind Septemember 1!

On a side note, I just looked and September 1, 2012 is Labor Day weekend! Who wants to go enjoy those sales with me next year!? :)

Much love to you all! Thanks for your prayers!


1 comment:

  1. I'm excited to keep up with this, Kara! And love the new look to your blog!
